Thursday, July 18, 2013

Alcatraz Island to San Francisco and the Golden Gate Bridge Crossing

As Jacee continues her training in open water, she again swam from Alcatraz Island to San Francisco and Crossed the Golden Gate Bridge by swimming the span.  Both were challenging swims in their own way. Seth Mandel was the overall top finisher and Jacee was the top female finisher in the Alcatraz Swim. The top spot for the Golden Gate Bridge Swim was Jacee. She had so much fun swimming with all of her friends and training partners for the Annual Drowning Presentation Awareness Swims. Every April the Foundation for Aquatic Safety and Training puts these swim on with about 50 kids and 70 swimmers overall. Each with an individual goal of doing something special, making a different for those without a voice. Bringing awareness that drowning is preventable. Check out Arizona Swimming’s website at to see how you can learn to swim.

It was a beautiful morning for a brisk swim for all of the participants. The sun was shining and the air was crisp with the energy level charging the day. Our wonderful organizer Bob Roper and his ever so faithful assistant Paddy set out provide an excellent event. Thank you, Gentlemen!

Our youngest swimmers this year were Amanda and Lilli each being 8-years-old. They had trained all winter, along with all of the swimmers, this was the big day to prove it, was all worth it. Proudly, these girls and the rest of the field, finished with a heart of champions! Many cheers from the family and friends on the boats and sidelines. Awesome job, to all of the participants! A big shout goes out to our celebrity swimmer Jen Schumacher. She shared her life with the kids and they truly responded to her encouraging words. Thank you, Jen!

Keep up the goal setting and share your life with others!


A special thanks goes out to some of the swims sponsors Xterrawetsuits and Arizona Virtual Academy ( for their continued support to make a difference in the community for drowning prevention.