Monday, November 12, 2012

Look Out!

Look Out!
 Arizona Sports and Lifestyle Magazine

 features Jacee what she is up to today and her goals for the future.  Review the article on page 44 of the link.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

My First 10k Swim

The excitiment of summer has dwindled down but the memories are still stronger than ever! On August 19, 2012, Jacee made the decision to complete her first 10k Swim. A bold feat in itself for anyone but, being 13-years-old and swimming that distance, is a different story.  After an awesome pool season that ended on August 6th, Jacee began to focus on her first 10k. The distance is about 6.2 miles for the miles translation.

She was ready for the start and Ky Hurst had just come off the London Olympics and he was very encouraging. Alex Kostich, Jen Shumacher and Michael Sheil were there for the challenge of the 12.6 mile race. They were all very excited. The 12.6 miles is exciting race in itself. In case, you did not know this is the Optimis Sport Distance Challenge Race and it has distances for everyone.

As the horn sounded for the 10k, I have to say, watching Ky Hurst clear the waves like he was running on land was amazing! The field was just beginning to clear the waves as Ky was about 50 yards from the first buoy. Jacee was in the lead pack clearing the waves with ease and she was focused on the leader for as long as she could see him. That wasn't long, trust me!

The check points are approximately, every 1.2 miles. Jacee learned last year to utilize the check points effectively, to swim well. There are drinks, fruit and gel packs for those that need them. Early nuturition would be the key, in a different race immediately following the 10k. As Jacee fueled for the next 1.2 mile portion of the race she headed out jumping through the five foot waves and swimming to the next check point. She was on her way and swimming comfortably knowing she had 8.8k to go.

Turning at the buoy, the relaxation of being in the open ocean and swimming is what Jacee was designed for, she loves this sport! Heading to the next check point she was greeted wtih a high five from Jim, being a great encourager to all of the participants. She fueled again and as she was leaving the cheering began, Mom had arrived.

With each check point Jacee's  confidence and strength grew  to move through the next 1.2 mile portion of the swim. The crowds were at the finish line cheering on all of the finishers and participants. What a fun and sunny day for a swim. The different waves of swimmers were going through the start and finish shoots and the excitement of completing the distances was enjoyed by all.

Ky Hurst completed his 10k race in 2:01.xx he was just as energized at the finish. Jacee completed her race in 3:01.xx and she headed straight to the refueling table. As she was eating she saw the 1000  meter start and asked if she could swim the 500 meter swim.

Wow, who would ever think she would want to do that after a 10k. She checked-in with the ever so wonderful, Jessica and received her cap for the 500 meter race. I have to say, watching Jacee clear the waves in that swim made my smile because she had the business down, and was looking like she was running on land. Jacee cleared the buoy and came into the finish in just over 10:20.xx.

Please reemember when you decided at the last minute to enter a race the timing chip should probably be put on your ankle before the start of the race. The time is unofficial for the 500 meter race but she did clearly win that race. The timing chip was missed by all. In the end it was not about the time it was about having fun doing something you love. Whether you were the cheerleader on the shore or the swimmer testing your skills. Fun was the name of the game this day!